Astro-Vision provides a variety of multi-lingual software packs suiting the various requirements of individuals, astrologers, astrology students and business centres. Our product dealers have helped us in our effort to reach new geographical locations and we are open to make new dealerships that may help us reach every nook and corner. Know more
Predicting precisely the time of materialization of an event is one of the hardest nuts to crack in astrology. Parasara has propounded various planetary and Rasi Dasas. However, one is aware of the difficulties in predicting an event even when following the time tested Vimshottari method because, the duration of the Antara can range anywhere between 3.5 months (Sun-Sun = 3 months 18 days) to 3.5 years (Venus-Venus = 3years 4 months). Some experts use the Vidasas and Sookshma Dasas also which is difficult for an average astrologer to apply. As a supplement, one can combine transits with the Vimshottari Dasa for the precise timing of an event.
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